Why Gratitude Tehillim?

King David's treasured book of Tehillim has touched young and old throughout the generations. Psalms are said by individuals and communities all over the world.

Tehillim is incorporated into our prayers and is the basis for many songs. The divinely inspired words speak to our soul, helping us verbalize and recognize our own emotions and desires.

We often turn to Tehillim when times are tough, when we want to cry out to the Almighty for help, and when someone needs a "refuah" (healing). 

Why wait for something distressful, sad or troublesome to start saying tehillim?

Why not be pro-active and continually thank Hashem for all His kindness? 

Our group dedicates one psalm a day to acknowledging the good Hashem does for us. We thank Him for the myriad blessings He bestows upon our daily lives. We take a moment to realize that everything comes from Hashem- the things we think are good and even the things that don't seem so good at the time. We know everything that happens in our life is a gift from our Father in Heaven.

Hashem loves when people come together for positive things. By uniting to say just one psalm a day in gratitude, we can help bring blessings to the world, our people, our families and ourselves.

Psalms 118:1 Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His kindness endures forever.

Uniting People Around the World in Gratitude to the Almighty

Daily Gratitude Tehillim

Psalm 100:4 Come into His gates with thanksgiving, into His courtyards with praise; give thanks to Him, bless His name.
Psalm 88:12     I will thank You O Lord, my God, with all my heart; and I will honor your name forever.